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Are wild poppies the same as poppies?

Wild opium poppy is as much a drug as poppy. Opium poppy can be commonly known as nearly 180 species of opium poppy, or opium poppy; wild opium poppy is a kind of opium poppy; perennial herbs, plant height 20-50 cm, with milk, all hirsute; leaves basal, long stalked; leaf blade ovate or long ovate, narrowly ovate or lanceolate, apex obtusely rounded, sparsely hirsute on both sides.

Wild opium poppy and opium poppy are actually two different plants. Wild opium poppy is 20-50 cm high, while opium poppy is 30-80 cm high. Wild opium poppy leaves are basal, while opium poppy leaves are alternate. Wild poppy flowers are orange in color, while poppy flowers are purplish red. The fruit of wild opium poppy is narrowly Obovate, while the fruit of opium poppy is spherical or oval.

Wild opium poppy is a kind of opium poppy. Opium poppy: nearly 180 species of plants that can be commonly referred to as opium poppy, or opium poppy according to the Flora of China. Wild opium poppy: perennial herb. Plant 20-50 cm tall, milky, all hirsute. Leaves basal, long stipitate; leaf blade ovate or long ovate, narrowly ovate or lanceolate, apex obtusely rounded, both surfaces sparsely hirsute. Flowers terminal alone.

Plant types differ from wild opium poppy plants 20 to 50 cm tall, with milk, all covered with coarse hair. Opium poppy is 30 to 80 cm tall, branched and with spreading rough hairs. Leaves distinguish between wild opium poppy leaves are basal, with a long stalk, the leaf blade is ovate, long-ovate or narrowly ovate, its apex is obtusely round, and there are stiff villi on both sides. Opium poppy leaves alternate, pinnately parted, lobes lanceolate or strip-lanceolate, with rough hairs on both sides.

A picture to identify "poppy"

Poppies are white, pink, red, purple or variegated. The picture is as follows: White, pink, purple, variegated poppy pedicels up to 25 cm long, glabrous or sparsely setose.

Photo of opium poppy what part of the opium poppy plant opium poppy is an annual or biennial herbaceous opium poppy plant of the family Papaveraceae, the stem is about 30-80 cm high, branched, the stem has rough hairs, leaves alternate, pinnately parted, lobes lanceolate or striped lanceolate, buds ovoid or broadly ovate, drooping when not open, calyx is green, will fall off after blooming, there are a variety of flower shapes and colors, all gorgeous.

Opium poppy, an annual cultivated plant, is generally planted at an altitude of 300 to 1700 meters above sea level. It is about 1.5 meters high. It is sown in February every year and blossoms in May. The flowers are white, red, purple and so on. Each flower has four flowers. Its leaves are large and smooth, showing a silver luster green. When the fruit is ripe, the flower falls off naturally.

The key to identifying poppies is to pay attention to their detailed characteristics. The opium poppy itself is hairless, the leaves are long and oval, there are black spots at the base of the petals, safflower is used medicinally, and the ornamental poppy is mostly lavender or white. The hair, leaf shape and petal characteristics of Yu Mei are obviously different, while wild opium poppy and ghost opium poppy are distinguished according to their specific growth environment and morphological characteristics. Therefore, understanding these differences can help us to correctly identify and understand these opium poppy plants.

A cultivated species (scientific name Papaver somniferum L.) of the genus Papaver in the opium poppy family, herbaceous in 2012. The ancient names are poppy and hibiscus. The milk and shell of young plants and fruits of opium poppy are used medicinally. Originated in southern Europe and Asia, Iran, Turkey and other places. It was introduced into China from Persia in the 7th century AD. The height of poppy plant is 60-100cm. Stem smooth, covered with albino. Leaves alternate, grayish green, sessile, clasping, long oval.

The road behind you is full of wild poppies

1. Memories of youth, encounter by the side of the road. We stood there, I bathed in your deep eyes, your understanding penetrated my confusion, that sentence like a sharp arrow, stung me. The smile at that time, such as a clear lake, was so sweet that it was almost silent with a sigh, but I could not touch it. Behind you, the road full of wild poppies is in full bloom, you say it is a gift from heaven, it is your blessing.

2. I first heard that wild poppy was in the old "four Seasons, walk slowly". At that time, I was surprised and thought it was a wild poppy. Later, I found out that this kind of flower is called wild opium poppy. Although it belongs to the poppy family, it is not as sinking as poppy, nor as poisonous as the beauty of Yu. It has the effect of collecting lungs and relieving cough, astringent intestines and diarrhea and analgesia.

3. Otherwise, in this life, I will spend time with you, and all the causes will be impermanent in this life. It's not that Shaohua has a white head, it's just a scourge of Hui Liu, urging you and me to see through the opportunity! You must understand that the way of the world, the rules are scattered, not for you. On the hot grass in June, the hillside is covered with golden poppies, nodding in the wind. What do you want to say, they didn't say, the sky in the north is so blue, blue. Indescribable, profound, profound, sentimental, inexplicable.

The difference between thistle poppy and wild opium poppy

Leaves distinguish thistle opium poppy from cauline leaves and basal leaves, which are broadly oblanceolate, elliptic or Obovate, about 5-20 cm long and 5-5 cm wide, apex acute, base cuneate, margin pinnately parted, lobes with wavy teeth, teeth with sharp spines. Cauline and basal ones of the same shape, the upper ones smaller.

Wild opium poppy leaves are all basal, ovate to lanceolate in outline, ca. 38 cm long, apex acute or round, base enlarged into a sheath, margin pinnately parted or divided, lobes entire bipetals distinguishing thistle poppy usually grows only on the tip of a short branch, there are also a few Cymes, 6 petals, wide.

Thistle opium poppy is mainly used for court planting or pot ornamental, its fresh grass has the effect of sweating, seeds are used as laxatives, and seed oil is helpful in the treatment of colic. Its juice can also be used to treat many diseases such as eyelid laceration, dermatosis, syphilis and scabies. As a medicinal plant, thistle opium poppy is called thistle opium poppy, which comes from the genus Liana of the family Papaveraceae.

Liquid juice to treat eye and face lacerations, skin diseases, syphilis and scabies. Medicinal: [medicine name]: thistle opium poppy [Latin name]: thistle opium poppy. [source]: it is the whole grass of thistle opium poppy of dicotyledonous plant of opium poppy family. [efficacy]: dispelling dampness, promoting gallbladder, removing phlegm and promoting dampness. [indications]: for the symptoms of damp-heat of Shaoyang gallbladder meridian, fullness of both sides, bitter and dry mouth, yellow and greasy tongue coating, yellow red urine, pulse string, hot phlegm cough and asthma.

Leaves distinguish thistle opium poppy from cauline leaves and basal leaves, which are broadly oblanceolate, elliptic or Obovate, about 5-20 cm long and 5-5 cm wide, apex acute, base cuneate, margin pinnately parted, lobes with wavy teeth, teeth with sharp spines. Cauline and basal ones of the same shape, the upper ones smaller.

The difference between wild opium poppy and poppy

Wild opium poppy and opium poppy are actually two different plants. Wild opium poppy is 20-50 cm high, while opium poppy is 30-80 cm high. Wild opium poppy leaves are basal, while opium poppy leaves are alternate. Wild poppy flowers are orange in color, while poppy flowers are purplish red. The fruit of wild opium poppy is narrowly Obovate, while the fruit of opium poppy is spherical or oval.

The flowering period is different: the flowering period of wild poppy is from June to July, and the florescence of opium poppy is from March to November every year; the fruit period is different: the fruit stage of wild poppy is in August, and that of opium poppy is from March to November; the growth place is different: wild opium poppy grows in forest, forest edge and hillside grassland at an altitude of 3500 meters, and opium poppy grows at an altitude of 900m to 1300 m; plant height is different: wild opium poppy plant height is 20 to 50 cm, poppy height is 30 to 80 cm.

The fruit distinguishes the wild opium poppy from forming a capsule, narrowly Obovate, with hard tomentose, brown, and dehiscent apical pores. The capsule of opium poppy is spherical or oval, 4 to 7 cm long and 4 to 5 cm in diameter, glabrous and brown at maturity.

An inventory of the "thirteen poisons" in ancient China

1. There are different expressions of the "thirteen poisons" in ancient China. The following is a list of several common poisons: lizard poison is a legendary Mengfowl that is louder than an eagle and its song is loud and mournful. Its feathers are so poisonous that when soaked in wine with its feathers, the wine becomes wine, which is so toxic that it can hardly be saved. Snake venom: snake venom is a toxin that snakes enter into humans or animals.

2. The nine most poisonous herbs in ancient China are Cucurbitaceae, an annual vine. The main toxic substance is sinomenine. According to records, after eating, the intestines will become black and adhere, and people will die of abdominal pain. The general detoxification method is gastric lavage, take charcoal ash, then use lye and emetic, after gastric lavage with mung beans, honeysuckle and licorice can be detoxified.

3. Among the poisons in ancient China, the most famous poison is "drinking poison", which is the origin of the idiom "drinking poison to quench thirst". It is said that this is a kind of bird, its feathers are highly poisonous, as long as the feathers are soaked in wine, stand into poisonous wine, drink it and die. However, whether there is such a bird or not, and whether this is feasible, I do not know. The second is arsenic. This kind of poison is used both at home and abroad. In the past, it was used to poison rats. Of course, it is also very useful to kill people.