A list of the contents of this article:
- 1 、The practice of self-made honeycomb candy
- 2 、How can honeycomb candy be fluffy and crispy?
- 3 、How to make honeycomb candy?
- 4 、How to boil white sugar-colored honeycomb candy?
- 5 、Tips for making Honey Honeycomb Sugar
The practice of self-made honeycomb candy
Put the sugar and water into the rice cooker and boil the sugar on the edge of the cauldron with a shovel or a watered brush. Remember not to stir. After stirring, the sugar will turn to sand. Turn off the fire when the syrup in the rice cooker turns a little yellow.
First of all, prepare a non-stick pan, pour 50 grams of water, 100 grams of sugar, a tablespoon of honey, do not stir, to prevent the return of sand to affect the taste. Stir after boiling, yellow slightly yellowing, appear dense vesicles, turn off the heat and pour into 5 grams of baking soda, stir quickly, expand and pour into oil-absorbing paper, cool.
Quickly pour the expanded honeycomb sugar into the prepared mold and let it stand for 30 minutes to 1 hour. The swollen sugar will slowly retract until it is completely solidified. Please click on the input picture description to remove the oil paper, take out the solidified whole piece of honeycomb candy, knock it into small pieces, and you can enjoy the delicious food.
What is the proportion of honeycomb sugar ingredients? The ratio of sugar: water: baking soda is 50: 25: 2. Step 1: boil the sugar in water, stirring the sand will fail, add baking soda, stir quickly and expand.
Medium gluten flour 490g, honey 60ml, butter 56g, water 210ml, 2 eggs, 7g yeast, 2g salt 2 prepared materials into the pot, stir well with a wooden shovel, ferment at room temperature for 2 hours, then transfer to the refrigerator for more than 3 hours. 3 remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide it into 2 parts, then return to the temperature naturally.
How can honeycomb candy be fluffy and crispy?
Honeycomb sugar tools: pot, large bowl, baking paper, egg beater 500g, white sugar 100g, water 1 teaspoon (5g) baking soda. Prepare a large bowl and spread the baking paper into the bowl. Put water and sugar in a clean pot and burn them over high heat. Brush the sugar off the edge of the pan with a brush and a little water.
Put the milk into the pot, boil it until it is about to boil, take a big shot, beat an egg, add the right amount of honey, stir well, beat until it is sticky, and then slowly add the milk that has just been made. Add while stirring 4 and then mix in the pot, scoop up with clear lines.
The main raw material of Jiaokazi honeycomb sugar is white granulated sugar, plus edible baking soda, the honeycomb hole of honeycomb sugar is larger, more crisp, the flavor of caramel is stronger, some honeycomb sugar adds maltose, the cost will be lower, the honeycomb hole of honeycomb sugar is much smaller, and it will be harder and sweeter.
Quickly pour the expanded honeycomb sugar into the prepared mold and let it stand for 30 minutes to 1 hour. The swollen sugar will slowly retract until it is completely solidified. Please click on the input picture description to remove the oil paper, take out the solidified whole piece of honeycomb candy, knock it into small pieces, and you can enjoy the delicious food.
Pour it out, tear off the baking paper and cut the honeycomb sugar into pieces with a knife. \ x0d\ x0a\ x0d\ x0a making candy is simple and fun, and it is also effective for people with sweettooth.
After burning to 115 degrees C, the sugar cold will be relatively soft, a bit like plasticine, after burning to 121 degrees C, it will be very hard, only a few degrees less than the viscosity of sugar will be completely different.
How to make honeycomb candy?
Put the sugar and water into the rice cooker and boil the sugar on the edge of the cauldron with a shovel or a watered brush. Remember not to stir. After stirring, the sugar will turn to sand. Turn off the fire when the syrup in the rice cooker turns a little yellow.
First of all, prepare all the materials for honeycomb talk as shown in the following figure. Tips: 200 grams of sugar, 2 grams of baking soda, 40 grams of water. Then pour the sugar and water into the pot. Then boil the candy over low heat. Tip: note that in the process of boiling sugar, there is no need to stir with chopsticks.
Pour it out, tear off the baking paper and cut the honeycomb sugar into pieces with a knife. \ x0d\ x0a\ x0d\ x0a making candy is simple and fun, and it is also effective for people with sweettooth.
Quickly pour the expanded honeycomb sugar into the prepared mold and let it stand for 30 minutes to 1 hour. The swollen sugar will slowly retract until it is completely solidified. Please click on the input picture description to remove the oil paper, take out the solidified whole piece of honeycomb candy, knock it into small pieces, and you can enjoy the delicious food.
What is the proportion of honeycomb sugar ingredients? The ratio of sugar: water: baking soda is 50: 25: 2. Step 1: boil the sugar in water, stirring the sand will fail, add baking soda, stir quickly and expand.
Add water and cook over medium heat while stirring at the bottom of a long spoon. Do not sink the sugar at the bottom of the pot, lest the paste will affect the flavor. After all the sugar is dissolved, the stirring can be stopped. After the sugar water is boiled, turn to low heat and cook for another 8 minutes. After the pot is cooled, it can be stored in the refrigerator.
How to boil white sugar-colored honeycomb candy?
1. Honeycomb sugar tools: pot, large bowl, baking paper, egg beater 500 grams, white sugar 100 grams, water 1 teaspoon (5 grams) baking soda. Prepare a large bowl and spread the baking paper into the bowl. Put water and sugar in a clean pot and burn them over high heat. Brush the sugar off the edge of the pan with a brush and a little water.
2. First of all, prepare all the materials for honeycomb talk as shown in the following figure. Tips: 200 grams of sugar, 2 grams of baking soda, 40 grams of water. Then pour the sugar and water into the pot. Then boil the candy over low heat. Tip: note that in the process of boiling sugar, there is no need to stir with chopsticks.
3, first of all, prepare a non-stick pan, pour 50 grams of water, 100 grams of sugar, a tablespoon of honey, do not stir, to prevent the return of sand to affect the taste. Stir after boiling, yellow slightly yellowing, appear dense vesicles, turn off the heat and pour into 5 grams of baking soda, stir quickly, expand and pour into oil-absorbing paper, cool.
4. The proportion of honeycomb sugar ingredients? The ratio of sugar: water: baking soda is 50: 25: 2. Step 1: boil the sugar in water, stirring the sand will fail, add baking soda, stir quickly and expand.
Tips for making Honey Honeycomb Sugar
In the practice of honeycomb sugar, put the sugar and water into the rice cooker and boil the sugar on the edge of the cauldron with a shovel or a water-stained brush. Remember not to stir. After stirring, the sugar will turn to sand. Turn off the fire when the syrup in the rice cooker turns a little yellow.
Put the milk into the pot, boil it until it is about to boil, take a big shot, beat an egg, add the right amount of honey, stir well, beat until it is sticky, and then slowly add the milk that has just been made. Add while stirring 4 and then mix in the pot, scoop up with clear lines.
Prepare 800 grams of ginger first. 500 grams of brown sugar. Wash the ginger and dry it. Cut Xiaoding. Put brown sugar in the pot. After melting a little bit. Pour in the ginger. Stir-fry in a big fire. The more you stir-fry, the more you will stir-fry, and then continue to stir-fry. Stir-fry for about 10 minutes and become sticky. Adjust the heat and keep stir-frying. Stir-fry for about 5 minutes and turn off the heat.
Add water and cook over medium heat while stirring at the bottom of a long spoon. Do not sink the sugar at the bottom of the pot, lest the paste will affect the flavor. After all the sugar is dissolved, the stirring can be stopped. After the sugar water is boiled, turn to low heat and cook for another 8 minutes. After the pot is cooled, it can be stored in the refrigerator.
Medium gluten flour 490g, honey 60ml, butter 56g, water 210ml, egg 2, yeast 7g, salt 2g. Put the prepared materials into the pot, stir well with a wooden shovel, ferment at room temperature for 2 hours, then transfer to the refrigerator for more than 3 hours of cold fermentation.