A list of the contents of this article:
- 1 、How to mix noodles with dumplings
- 2 、Steps and techniques of mixing noodles
- 3 、How to mix noodles with handmade dumpling skins?
- 4 、How to mix noodles? Delicious
- 5 、How to mix Lanzhou ramen noodles
How to mix noodles with dumplings
1. The methods of dumpling skins and noodles are as follows: prepare materials: 500 grams of medium gluten flour and 120 grams of water. Pour the flour into a bowl, slowly add water and stir until the flour is wet. Knead with your hands to form a smooth dough and wake up for 20-30 minutes. Knead the awakened dough into long strips and cut it into small cubes. Roll into dumpling skins with thick middle and thin sides.
2. Raw materials are ready. (salt is added to water) Water is added to the flour at one time. Stir into dough. Take it out and put it on the rubbing mat and rub it until smooth. Cover the dough with a clean, non-depilating wet towel and wake up for 20 minutes.
3. Prepare dumpling flour or high gluten flour, warm boiled water in a bowl, put some salt in the water. Water should be slowly poured into the basin, chopsticks keep stirring, feeling that there is no dry flour, all into a knot, you can start to work, knead dough hard, knead to the surface of the noodle is very smooth and happy, then bare-handed is the best state.
4. Put the right amount of flour in the basin and add a tablespoon of salt. Then add an egg white to the flour basin, add the egg white dumpling skin, wrap it into dumplings, and fish them in the bowl after they are cooked. Start mixing noodles with a small bowl of cold water, first add a small amount of water, use hands or chopsticks, and mix the flour into a pimple.
5. Add enough flour, add an egg to the flour, mix a small amount of salt and warm water, and slowly pour the water into the basin. Stir slowly with chopsticks until you feel no dry flour and stop when you have a pimple.
Steps and techniques of mixing noodles
Noodle mixing skills: the amount of water mixed with noodles is generally 40% or 50% of that of flour. Add all the water at the beginning of the dough and knead it evenly. Add water or flour according to the hardness of the dough. Knead the dough hard when mixing to make the dough fully stiffened. Put the mixed dough in a warm place to wake up for a while.
When mixing noodles, it is necessary to master the moisture, the moisture is less, the noodles are not good to roll out, and the noodles taste too hard. If the water is added too much, the noodles are easy to adhere, so it is very important to master the moisture. Hand rolling noodles, prepare materials: 500 grams of flour, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of salt, 220 grams of water.
For the steps of hand-rolling noodles in the family, please click on the input picture description 1 to add the right amount of yeast and salt to the flour and mix for 30 minutes. Please click enter Picture description 2 to roll the dough into thin slices, fold and cut into noodles. Before folding, spread more flour on the flour, it is not easy to stick.
Roll out noodles. Add 500 grams of flour, 35% lukewarm water, 2% refined salt and a small amount of edible alkali, wake up for 30 minutes. This will not only increase muscle strength, but also taste smooth. Pancake noodles. Add 500 grams of flour and 50% warm water, wake up and mix for 20 minutes. The effect is excellent.
The raw materials are ready. (salt is added to water) Water is added to the flour at one time. Stir into dough. Take it out and put it on the rubbing mat and rub it until smooth. Cover the dough with a clean, non-depilating wet towel and wake up for 20 minutes.
How to mix noodles with handmade dumpling skins?
The method of dumpling skin and noodles is as follows: prepare materials: 500 grams of medium gluten flour and 120 grams of water. Pour the flour into a bowl, slowly add water and stir until the flour is wet. Knead with your hands to form a smooth dough and wake up for 20-30 minutes. Knead the awakened dough into long strips and cut it into small cubes. Roll into dumpling skins with thick middle and thin sides.
Cold water dough dumpling skin material: medium gluten flour, salt, water. What to do: put the prepared flour into a basin, add the right amount of water and eyes and stir continuously until the dough is smooth. Wrap the kneaded dough in a wet towel, set aside and wake up for 15 minutes, then take out the dough and continue to knead.
Generally speaking, the ratio of flour to water is 3:2. If you want to make a strong dumpling skin, the ratio of flour to water is 5:3. When mixing noodles, you can't add enough water at once. Pour the flour into the basin or panel, pick out a concave pond in the middle, pour the water into it slowly and stir it slowly with chopsticks.
Prepare 200 grams of white flour, add salt and water to the white dough, knead into a white dough, add two tablespoons of vanilla leaf powder to the green dough, add salt and water, knead into a green dough, cover with plastic wrap, seal and relax for 30 minutes. Add chopped onions to the pork stuffing.
To give dumpling skins and noodles, you need to slowly pour cold water into the flour and stir them into cotton floss with chopsticks. Knead the cotton flour into a smooth dough, knead the hands and basin thoroughly, and wake up for 20 minutes to form long strips. Cut the long strips into small preparations, press them flat and roll out thin with a rolling pin to make dumplings.
How to mix noodles? Delicious
1. Xinjiang noodles, add salt to warm water and the ratio of noodles to salt water is 2:1. Knead thoroughly, that is to say, rub the noodles thoroughly every 20 minutes, touch both sides of the noodles with oil, and finally wake up for more than an hour. Cut into thick strips of chopsticks, you can pull noodles, put in the pot, and order water twice to get out of the pot.
2, that is, the noodles are no longer too hard, the taste will be better. Soba noodles and noodles to be strong, you should use hot water hot water with about 80 degrees, do not use boiled water, boiled water and noodle taste will be sticky, no gluten. Wake up for about 20 minutes so that the dough will be soft and strong and easy to operate.
3. Cold water: cold water and noodles, cold water can improve the quality of gluten, and the noodles made are also very strong. Kneading more dough: the dough is kneaded harder and harder, and the strength of the dough pressed by the machine is stronger than that of manual rolling, which is because the machine pressing the dough repeatedly, pressing the gluten more tightly.
4. Generally speaking, the dumplings we usually eat are made of ordinary flour. In fact, it would be better to make them with dumpling powder. Such dumplings taste better.
5. when mixing water and noodles, do not use cold water, use water of about 93 degrees to mix noodles, the more you knead the noodles, the more you knead the noodles, and the more the dumplings are boiled (or steamed) the skin is transparent. The best formula is: wheat starch, potato starch = (1:3 to 1:2), boiling water and noodles, add a little salt.
How to mix Lanzhou ramen noodles
One: three times of water: first of all, Lanzhou ramen pay great attention to the temperature of the water, generally require warm water in winter, other seasons use cold water.
Flour 210g, water 60g, egg white 1, salt 1 teaspoon knead into a dough (the dough is hard. To knead hard, the dough must be mixed into a hard dough, and the noodles made later will be strong.) put it in the refrigerator to wake up overnight (usually prepared the night before. I'll eat it the next day.
[materials]: 2500 grams of fine powder, 1500 grams of water, 25 grams of alkali, a little salt.
The main points of flour, 500 grams of salt, 4 grams of ramen agent, 2 water, 250 murmur300 grams of ramen noodles are first of all to choose high-quality fine flour rich in gluten and strong toughness, with puff and soft noodles made from Lanzhou local vegetation.